Awards Obtained by Our Group

  1. Our work won the second prize award (原型竞赛自由型二等奖) and honorable mention award (原型竞赛自由型优秀奖) at the Research Prototype Competition in the 19th National Software Application Conference (NASAC 2020) (CCF中国软件大会).
  2. Our UG students Shuqing Li and Zhirui Lu won National Scholarship (news page).
  3. Prof. Yepang Liu received the Excellent Teaching Award (优秀教学奖) and Excellent Residential College Mentor Award (优秀书院导师奖)
  4. Our student Hengcheng Zhu won the “2020 Distinguished Undergraduate Thesis of SUSTech“ (南方科技大学2020届本科生优秀毕业论文) and the “ 2020 Outstanding Graduate of SUSTech “(南方科技大学2020届优秀毕业生)honor.
  5. Our students Yi Liu and Zhaoxu Zhang won the “2020 Summa Cum Laude Graduate of SUSTech“ honor (南方科技大学2020届本科十佳毕业生).
  6. Prof. Yepang Liu received the honor “2019 Distinguished Supervisor of Zhixin College” (2019致新书院优秀导师奖), by Zhixin College of SUSTech (南方科技大学致新书院).
  7. Prof. Yepang Liu received the honor “Excellent Coach Award” (2019全国大学生软件测试大赛卓越指导老师奖) (by IEEE Reliability Society at the 2019 National Student Contest of Software Testing, photo).
  8. Four undergraduate students of our group won prizes in the 2019 National Software Testing Finals for College Students (2019全国大学生软件测试大赛总决赛), news page : Shuqing Li ( Champion ), Yi Liu ( first prize ), Jiangning Wu (second prize), Zhirui Lu (second prize).
  9. Six undergraduate students of our group won prizes in the 2019 National Software Testing Contest (Guangdong Provincial Level): Yi Liu (first prize), Zhirui Lu (first prize), Jiangning Wu (second prize), Shuqing Li (third prize), Yiming Chen (third prize), Yechang Wu (honorable mention).
  10. Our UG students Yi Liu and Zhaoxu Zhang won National Scholarship ( news page ).
  11. Prof. Yepang Liu received the honor “High-Level Talent in Nanshan District of Shenzhen” (深圳市南山区领航人才).
  12. Our UG student Yi Liu ranked No. 1 in the third IEEE International Software Testing Contest.
  13. Our UG student Yi Liu won the first place in the Software Testing Competition of ISSTA 2019.
  14. Our work PIVOT received the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Artifact Award at ICSE 2019.
  15. Our student Yi Liu ranked No. 1 in ICST 2019 software testing contest.
  16. Prof.Yepang Liu received the honor “Excellent Coach Award” (by IEEE Reliability Society at the 2018 National Student Contest of Software Testing).
  17. Our third-Year UG student Yi Liu was selected to be part of the Tencent Rhino-Bird Elite Training Program (腾讯犀牛鸟精英人才培养计划, news page ).
  18. Our UG student Yi Liu and PG student Linlin Li won Grand Prize and Second Prize in National Software Testing Contest ( news page ).